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To Create Future Value 3S KOREA

To create future value company 3S KOREA




We will take a leap forward once again as an environmental technology company in the world.

Since its establishment in 2001, 3S Korea research institute has developed calorie measurement test equipment and researched system software for energy efficiency measurement. Since 2009, we have been researching and developing the localization of wafer carrier and the quality improvement of product.
We carry out various research tasks of the Environment Division and the Advanced Material Industries Department with the aim of commercializing creative innovation technologies.


  • Research
    Registered as a company research institute (hereinafter referred to as "research institute") of the Industrial Technology Promotion Association in 2001
  • VISION VISION Creative Innovative Technology Commercialization, leap to KOSDAQ Top 10 Best-in-Class Companies
  • MISSION (Part) to carry out commercialization projects of over KRW 1 billion, to discover BM third anniversary cycle of over KRW 100 billion.
    (Individual) Carry out one government task per one person, annuallytwo patent application per each person
  • main management
    Settlement of discussion cultureformain management policy, real-time information sharing among employees, flexible work, creative performance compensation, government task incentives payment.
    Program planning for establishing basic direction and building consensus.
  • Basic operating plan Goal: securing research funds for 10% of sales revenue.
  • Current research
    institute personnel
    one research Director / six dedicated / one assistant

Main thrust task

  • Wafer Carrier Various types of wafer carrier model design
    Open cassette, single cassette, etc.
    FOSB, FOUP test evaluation device and method development
    Standardization of measurement methods to shorten measurement time and improve precision
    Development of limit gauge and dedicated measuring device
    Response to 450 MM wafer carrier device commercialization
    Identify ITEM that can substituted and localized in semiconductor process and review business feasibility
  • Technical
    new technology certification, KS standard certification, patent, reward etc.
    Government's technology support (environment sector) and response to regulatory measures
    Intranet construction and operation within the company for office automation and information security
  • Major Projects Promotion of National Research Projects
    Promotion of Research and Business Development Projects
    Promotion of Industrial Core Technology Development Projects
    Develop Commercialization of FOUP
    Develop Commercialization of open cassette