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To Create Future Value 3S KOREA

To create future value company 3S KOREA


Environment Test Equipment Division

Cond Calorimeter

1) This equipment is for evaluating the performance of a single condenser.

2) This equipment precisely controls and measures the factors influencing test result of air side, refrigerant side, and water side (including antifreeze).

3) This equipment is manufactured to comply with the test standards such as ASHRAE 33, ASHRAE 51, IMACA100, IMACA200, JIS D1618, JIS D5901, GB 21361 and ES.

4) The test equipment consists of a test room, an air volume meter, an air conditioning device (air conditioner and refrigeration device), an exhaust fan, a temperature and humidity measuring device, a thermocouple box, a refrigerant cycle system, a control panel, power panel, data processing device etc.



Available for purchase separately